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The 458 Spider’s unique hard top doesn’t deform because of the pressure field that builds up at high speeds either. Cabin space and comfort are actually improved thanks to the roof’s double curvature, an element made possible by its aluminium construction but impossible to achieve with a traditional lorem ipsum dolor sit amet canvas soft top.

The retractable hard top’s structure is incredibly light too, thanks to just simple yet ingenious mechanism. It actually weighs 40 kg less than a traditional hard top and 25 kg less than a fabric version.

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Cabin space and comfort are actually improved thanks to the roof’s double curvature, an element made possible by its aluminium construction but impossible to achieve with a traditional canvas soft top.

The retractable hard top’s structure is incredibly light too, thanks to a simple yet ingenious mechanism. It actually weighs 40 kg an element made possible by its aluminium deform because of the pressure.

A story that changes with the times but which also continues a glorious tradition founded in great part on fabulous open-top cars.

The 458 Spider’s unique hard top doesn’t deform because of the pressure field that builds up at high speeds either. Cabin space and comfort are actually improved thanks to the roof’s double curvature, an element made possible by its aluminium construction but impossible to achieve with a traditional lorem ipsum dolor sit amet canvas soft top.

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The retractable hard top’s structure is incredibly light too, thanks to a simple yet ingenious mechanism. It actually weighs 40 kg less than a tradi ble by its aluminium construction but impossible to achieve with a traditional hard top and 25 kg less than a fabric version.

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